Linda Dachtyl - A Late One

CD Cover from Summit

A Late One
 From Linda Dachtyl - HAMMOND B3 Artist
*With two original songs 

A Late One*
Bucket Full of Soul
Deep Purple
Happy To Be*
Sister Francis
On a Misty Night
Topsy - A tribute to Cozy Cole
Don’t Misunderstand

Linda Dachtyl - Hammon B3, Don Hales - Guitar, Cary Dachtyl - Drums and Percussion, Brian Olsheski - Tenor Sax, Kris Keith - Soprano Sax,
Mark Donavan - Tenor Sax and Clarinet, Chip Willis - Vocals and Tenor Sax, Bob Masters - Trumpet, Dale Nawrocki - Trumpet, Jim Masters - Trombone

$10.00, includes shipping in the U.S. and Canada.  
Foreign orders click 
HERE to eMail us at for a quote.
We will invoice foreign orders via PayPal

Sister Francis by Dave Wheeler.
Our good friend and teacher wrote this one.

Topsy - Our tribute to Cozy Cole a friend and
teacher of Linda’s.  Yes, that Cozy Cole!

© Pterodactyl Productions 2020